Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Purely a Matter of Relevance: People Get Offended Too Easily These Days or No, People Have Been Offended For Years And You’re Just Now Listening

Purely a Matter of Relevance: People Get Offended Too Easily These Days or No, People Have Been Offended For Year’s And You’re Just Now Listening

Perspective. It’s one of the key elements of daily living. Even down to its most basic form. Without light bouncing off of objects and refracting in our eyes we wouldn’t be able to see anything and would walk into walls and off of cliffs like lemmings to the slaughter. In its more advanced forms perspective is what gives us the ability to have empathy and look at situations in a light you might not have considered prior.

So in the time since my last post some instances have arisen that bring things like perspective to the forefront. Nothing can create a better chance for perspective to come into play like when discussing topics that touch the nerve of many individuals. 

I gaze towards the pachyderm in the corner. His name tag reads racism. Let’s acknowledge him.

If you have a pulse, an internet connection and don’t reside under a rock then you are well aware at this stage the marketing faux pas H&M made last week. If you’re unfamiliar, the ad in question viewed a young black child wearing a hoody that read “coolest monkey in the jungle.” Now before I get too far into it and let me state that no, I was not offended by it. Alas, I know many people that might very well be, and justified in their reasoning for it as well. In wake of the ad I have seen the example of short sighted perception rear it’s ugly head. “People get offended too easily these days,” or comments akin to “sad little snowflakes are getting their panties in a bunch.”

First off, if this is how you view the world at large, let me point something out; You are part of the problem. I’m sorry buddy, people haven’t just recently become offended by every little thing. People have been offended by these types of systemic racism and insensitivities for quite some time now. We live in an age where everyone’s reactions and thoughts have become center stage, and now people’s views and opinions are able to be viewed under a microscope on a global scale. Personally, I am grateful for it. No longer must we be forced to live in the dark and not know how our fellow men and women are affected by the inequalities of our society. Social media has created a forum for discussion of these topics and by way of this an ability to learn and understand the issues and plights those less privileged than yourself must go through.

Open your eyes and ears but more importantly, open your hearts. Only then can we as a people move forward to a more peaceful tomorrow, but ay, what do I know?

This has been purely a matter of relevance.

Monday, January 1, 2018

PURELY A MATTER OF RELEVANCE: New Year, Same Black Dude or The 2017 State of the Union

Well the calendar has changed. We rang out the old year and dragged in the new to much fanfare and joviality. As we make our coffees and fry up our chicken embryos to help shake the cobwebs of last nights indulgences, I will take the opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months.

What a shit show it has been. Not nearly as many tragic celebrity deaths as the year prior, there were still a multitude of negativities and moments of distress that blanketed the majority of 2017. From the politics, to the terrorism. The hurricanes to the blatant and out right racism. This was the year where Rick and Morty fans made it hard to publicly want to claim you are a Rick and Morty fan.

Talk about depressing.

My personal hardships even tried to break me; the loss of my grandmother, the ending of a 12 year on again off again tumultuous relationship, and that time I was inches away from death. It’s been a wild ride, smooth at very few times and bumpy at best for the most part.

In spite of all these lingering issues and tragic happenings, the light of joy and vitality that burns within me will never stop glowing. I made some choices that have already begun to brighten my path. Cut some problematic people from my journey, went full on head first back into podcasting, writing and comedy, met an amazing person who is completely ok with me being an awkward 15 year old child, as well as even opened my own mildly successful online clothing store. As the Chuck Palahniuk quote goes, “it's only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything.”

So as I finish this cup of coffee from my amazing R2-D2 mug, I look forward as to what 2018 has to offer. Both of my occupations are moving forward into bigger and better realms and I am having a hand in the progress of both. Establishing an even bigger internet presence as I push forward to produce and star in another podcast and get back into doing stand up. New music from my all but defunct metal band. A vacation to Austin, TX for SXSW. Shit guys, this may even be the year Reese finishes his novel (THAT’S LAUGHABLE).

All jokes aside, I thank you guys for reading these posts, watching my shows, liking my jokes and tagging me in those ass eating memes. I have an insatiable urge inside of me to entertain and if it wasn’t for you guys I would just be dancing and singing into a mirror to a one man crowd that didn’t want to come out in the first place and would rather be home in pjs watching anime. The past year I’ve learned a lot and now I’m ready to make even more mistakes so that I can learn that much more from the running gag we call life.

I love you guys, all of you. This was purely a matter of relevance. Happy New Years!