Monday, June 27, 2016


So here we are, a day late and a dollar short. Let's be real, anybody that knows me knows I'll be late to my own funeral. Since I do not confine myself with petty imaginary constructs such as time or their even stricter offspring, deadlines, lets jump directly into this weeks matter of relevance, and what could be more relevant than Game of Thrones!

Why Arya Stark is the Most Intense Character on Game of Thrones
Now if you saw my choice for #2 in last week's Top Tensday's Biggest Celebrity Crushes, you would already know how I feel about the babe-alicious-barely legal-brunette-Bristish-bombshell Masie Williams, but what always amazed me was her on point portrayal of my favorite character in the Song of Ice and Fire universe, Arya Stark.
Now please remember before you write your long winded hate mail about your favorite Game of Thrones character, this is MY irrelevant opinion.  Your opinion is just as irrelevant, so please bicker and banter with me in the comments, but don't lose your minds.
The first time we were introduced to Winterfell, which feels like decades ago at this time, we met young tomboy, Arya age 11, and saw her as a rambunctious little scamp, more likely to play with swords than dolls, and to fight and play than knit and gossip.  I took a liking to the character early on for her black sheepish role within the Stark clan.  Jon, the obvious outcast due to his bastard birth rite, had the strongest bond with her of all the kids, again reflecting her odd man out attitude.  He even gifted her a sword before leaving to join the Night's Watch.
I know a lot of you are thinking, "but Jon fought white walkers," and, "Dany can ride dragons," or even better, "Jaimie has to jerk of left handed," I know, I know, there are a lot of characters that have gone through a lot of changes, but Arya has seen hell and has become a; cold, calculated, cat chasing, water dancing, blind ninja, face shifting assassin in spite of it.
I understand that all of the ASOIAF characters have had their equal amounts of tragedy, but lets look at little 11 year old waifish tomboy Arya has had to deal with:
  • Witnessed the death of her friend by the hands of the Hound
  • Forced to exile her direwolf, Nymeria
  • Witnessed the public execution of her father
  • Faced indentured servitude and death of friends
  • Bargains to kill, and she herself kills, multiple guards
  • Kidnapped by the Brotherhood Without Banners, escapes
  • Kidnapped by the Hound, escapes
  • Travels the Narrow Sea
  • Becomes accepted into a band of face shifting assassins
  • Trains, fucks up tremendously
  • Continues training, BLIND
Arya training to save Hell's Kitchen
For those who have not finished this season.... what is wrong with you?  No, seriously.  If you enjoy Game of Thrones and haven't watched this entire season, stop reading this and go watch it already.

But something they depicted on the show - albeit badass - I don't believe is truly appreciated.  After Arya's sight is returned, she eventually ends up failing to kill her mark and is hunted by her trainer, a deadly killer known only as the Waif.  Luckily she has ascended to Super Stark level 2 and not only kills her, but kills her in total darkness and skins her face and head.

Let me repeat that for those in the back who might not have heard me: SHE SKINS HER ENTIRE FUCKING HEAD.  Most likely in pitch black darkness as well!  She then sneaks into assassin HQ, the House of Black and White, undetected mind you, and mounts her scalped head on the wall.  Now it's not that just because they only show you the before and after results that I bring this scene back up, I'm not angry for any lack of gore. I just find it necessary to point out that this now 16 year old girl surgically removed the flesh from the entire head of another human being. That is some A1, unfuckwithable makings of a thoroughbred killing machine right there, and I'm not sure if the average viewer really took all of that in. As if that wasn't enough, she returns to Westeros to assassinate 3 men pivotal in the murder of her mother, brother and pregnant sister-in-law. Did I forget to mention she cooked 2 of said men and fed them to the last... their father. Yeah, I'm not fucking with this girl.

Sansa might've finally got one up on Ramsey, Dany might be able to ride her dragons and even Jon can come back from the dead and lead an army to victory, but none of them have developed from an 11 year old lady in training to a combo of Ed Gein, Daredevil and Darkman.  Arya is a force to be reckoned with and she is on a warpath with one thing on her mind, all men must die.  Stab 'em with the pointy end, baby girl, I salute you, and this was purely a matter of relevance.

Mr. Irrelevant

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