Thursday, July 14, 2016


If you were asked who Ironman, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America are then you’d likely have more than a passing knowledge of these icons, unless  you’ve been living under a rock for the past 6 or 7 decades. How could you not, since nowadays they’re everywhere even if you’re not a comic book nerd you know them. Early this week it came to my attention that Marvel is making another big impact change in their comic story division and its not their first either. News broke that there will be a new Ironman but not just another run of the mill shoe filler to hold the place for a while, this change is to become a staple in the comics main continuity. When I say new Ironman I should technically say Ironwoman, and even more technical than that it should be Irongirl. Tony Stark's replacement is going to be a 15 year old MIT undergrad by the name of Riri Jones. Riri is an African-American teenager who came to Tony’s attention when she reverse engineered his Ironman suits. This is actually not the first race change Marvels done to its main character and its actually not the first gender change either.

Circa October 2014 Sam Wilson, better known as Falcon, picked up the nigh indestructible shield and became the new Captain America officially in Captain America #25. Wilson has been a moderately known member of the Avengers since his debut in the comics back in the 60’s but didn’t grab high notoriety until his role was filled by Anthony Mackie in the hit film Captain America: The Winter Soldier and subsequent roles in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-man, and this years killer blockbuster Captain America: Civil War. But even with that said he didn’t gain popularity points until the nation was brought to the attention that an African American man would go from the point of being a sometime sidekick, to pillar of American culture by filling the role of one of medias most infamous characters.

A personal favorite of mine whose run I  followed in depth was Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-man who now is the main continuity Spider-man for the All New, All Different Avengers which follows the world collision events that was the confusing and unnecessary event called Secret Wars (not the old first Secret Wars from like the 70’s-80’s) but anyway Miles is half African American and half Latino and coming from a highly mixed family he easily became a character I wanted to see progress and not get cancelled as I was connecting with him on that same level. Today he’s the main Spiderman in the comics alongside with the classic Peter Parker Spiderman but to the best of my knowledge Miles actually was the first drastic change therefore paving the way for everything being revamped.

Now XX chromosome side we have along with this new Ironman, we previously had two massive changes i.e. Kamala Khan taking over the role of Ms. Marvel from Carol Danvers, a Muslim middle eastern teenage Jersey girl and then there’s also one Jane Foster taking over the mighty mantle of Thor from….well Thor. These changes have severely shown us that change can happen, can work, and can be permanent. In the real life society where middle eastern people are still prejudiced against because of 9/11 and even more so now for ISIS issues, Kamala really was a risky shot in the dark. But one that showed that Marvel isn’t afraid to defy what makes you comfortable, they’re about what’s right and storytelling. A more noticeable change was, as I said, Jane Foster picking up Mjolnir from her former lover Thor. This is something nobody really saw coming and figured once it was revealed that it would only be a short thing and things would go back to normal, but that’s not the case. They stayed and successfully work so to them I say - kudos to you guys.

One can ask what brought on these changes, but really why ask why and just shut the hell up and read the comics, that’s what we’re all here for and enjoy anyway, right? But if you seriously must know, the editor in chief Axel Alonso has told reporters that this has been in the works for years and is an idea he’s been bouncing around for the a long time. If you want to look deeper than that, then just be aware of the change being kind of a needed or expected thing because its not the 60’s anymore where the starting line up for everything was middle aged white guys, its 2016 and the world is different and the new changes actually fit a more real demographic of: different races, ages, and genders as well as orientations; because let’s not forget we now have a dope Hulk who is Asian by the name of Amadeus Cho, and a few years back we had the first comic book gay wedding with the X-men which wash the kick off predecessor for the big cultural changes in Marvel.

Now this is the new Marvel and all, and I for one am all about it because it shows the progress we’ve so sorely needed in this field, but at the same time I’m not use to it as I’m more accustomed to the Classic Marvel Avenger. The old white guys that wore the unitards are what I grew up, with so its honestly a hard accepted transition. But Marvel is for me, the reader, but it’s not solely for me or about me; it’s for everyone, it’s for the fans before me that had to deal with the changes that are normal to you and me, it’s for the next gen that will just pick up a comic book one day and fall in love with the characters and that will be their status quo. At the end of it all; change is common, change is needed for better or for worse. We are all tired of monotony, and seeing this paradigm shift gave me a whole new feeling that didn’t exactly scare me nor did it quite answerd my prayers, it was new like the feeling you get on new comic book Wednesdays.

Check it out and let me know how you guys feel about this new lineup. Do you love it? Do you hate it?

Stay tuned next week y’all and keep one in the chamber for me fam,

Contract Killa Guerilla aka K. Maryland

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