Thursday, March 29, 2018

Purely a Matter of Relevance: Social Media Meme Farmer Wrongfully Incarcerated or Why Does Zuckerberg Hate The Pixies?

Hey there boils and ghouls. Noticed an absence over the last 24? Yup, you guessed it. I was in FB jail. But for what you ask? What lewd content did Reese share? What ass eating analogy pushed it over the edge?

It was a song.

A goddamn song. I shared “Where Is My Mind?” by The Pixies yesterday while listening to it on Spotify. I hit the share button, I didn’t even add any text. I just hit post. Shortly thereafter I tried to open my FB app and I was greeted by this (*see attached screenshot*). I filled out a reply as you could see and hit send. The very next screen then tells me I have been banned for 24 hours.

Now I sat on this and thought long on how this came about. There was no nudity, no profanity, hell, there wasn’t any text that went along with link at all. I have deduced that only a handful of things could have transpired:

1. Someone really fucking hates the ending of Fight Club.

2. Zuckerberg was preemptively banning me before I could do something actually worth chastising.

3. A friend, follower or some random asshole reported my post which instead of actually doing any due diligence, FB hit me with a banhammer.

3 is the most likely of these scenarios.

Listen, I post a lot of polarizing and down right atrocious stuff and have never been banned (besides that one time I made a school shooting joke, whoops 🤷🏾‍♂️). Even in that case it was a light hearted poke at a meme that obviously ruffled someone’s feathers.

The point I’m trying to make is that if you feel offended you have every right to flex your keyboard muscles and report someone. I don’t think it’s the best resolve but it’s your life and you have that option if you so choose it.

But if you’re salty at me for my posts or opinions, voice them. Or actually report a post that is in violation of some rule. Miss me with that shit reporting a goddamn song link that I wanted to share with the world.

I run a business and 3 podcasts through FB which I am constantly fielding messages and comments, I don’t have time for your games. I’m just trying to keep you kids smiling in the face of this sick sad world, nothing more nothing less.

If you have something to say, say it, if not, bye Felicia. This has been purely a matter of relevance.