Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Purely a Matter of Relevance: The Savage Meme Manifesto or When Did I Become That Guy?

Very recently a close friend of mine called me out for my ridiculous memes I post. My gf although being somewhat indifferent wholeheartedly agreed that my posts are over the fucking top and somewhat uncalled for. I even have a couple people recently ask why I even do this. When did I become that guy?

If you haven’t noticed, I do a lot of shit online. A store, 3 podcasts, a blog, an all but deceased band and even acting like I’m gonna get into stand up. So I’m marketing myself on the internet on a constant and daily basis. Nothing is better for marketing than traffic. Each view, like, comment or share is increasing my organic reach and it shows. I’ve had these people ask why don’t I start a page so it’s not on my FB profile so it’s not a reflection of me.

Firstly, I have created pages for numerous ventures. MULTIPLE pages. I have invited my entire friends list to those pages. Sadly, it just doesn’t work that way. I have 3,000 friends, I send out 3,000 invites, and my pages only have anywhere from 100-300 likes on each of my pages. I post from those pages and it gets hidden by FB’s algorithms or pushed down for paid content. My organic reach from my personal page is simply stronger and better equipped to entertain people.

Secondly, none of your FBs are a true reflection of you. If you see something on FB and your first reaction is to judge whoever posted it based on the life they uphold on social media, I think that’s a problem within itself. All of our social media personas are just that; personas. If you want a prolific true representation on the internet of someone get off of FB and used LinkedIn.

Thirdly, it’s funny. Shock value is an amazing tool that brings multiple eyes to my page through my creating, sharing and reposting of savage memes. Is it stupid? Sure. Is it ethically questionable? Sure. Does it work though? Absolutely.

I’m writing all of this as less an explanation for why I have become this over the top meme farmer and more as a declaration to anyone that is questioning my actions or feel disgusted by them. I’m sorry if your friends or family have to witness the awful things I post but I do it because someone’s going to do it anyway, so I might as well use it as a device to generate traffic to my page, which when pushing a product that is literally just yourself, my page gaining attention of any type is a positive in the end.

In summation, I’ve made my peace with my mother and my god for the things I post. I don’t wish you to unfollow me or unfriend me over it, but I can’t make everybody happy all of the time so I might as well not try but I do apologize in advance for the crazy shit you’re going to see when you follow me.

What do you think? Should I stop? Should I create another page to be lost in the sea of thousand of others? I want to know your opinions. Just remember as always, this was purely a matter of relevance.